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MediRecords Announce ePrescribing Support

eRx script exchange
Medirecrods team member picture

Maxwell Holmes, Product Manager

MediRecords has partnered with the eRX Script Exchange to provide electronic prescriptions directly to patients

We are ePrescribing Ready!  

ePrescribing Token on Phone

MediRecords is proud to announce ePrescribing is here! As a cloud-based solution, we are better able to connect with a variety of other virtual care services, such as telehealth via Coviu, electronic appointment, and now e-prescribing. 

As part of our Virtual Care Strategy’, MediRecords has partnered with the eRX Script Exchange to provide electronic prescriptions directly to patients, we have met full compliance for e-Prescribing, as opposed to ‘fast-track’ compliance. This makes our solution much more secure.   

What is ePrescribing? 

E-Prescribing is a replacement for physical prescriptions given to patients every day. Instead of having to keep hold of the original physical prescription, patients are instead given a unique e-Prescription token via email. The Token is securely stored within the eRx Script exchange. The patient retains control of who can access their prescription. This means a signed piece of paper it is no longer required.  

If the patient elects to have an electronic prescription, they will receive a token via email or paper printout for each item prescribed. Once in possession of their token(s), the patient can then provide this directly to a pharmacy of their choice.  The token provides a link to a unique code used by the dispensing pharmacy to access the legal document for dispensing. The patient will automatically receive a new token for any repeats.  

This workflow completely removes the need to relay in image based prescribing, such as faxing a paper prescription to a pharmacy then following up with a signed original in the mail.  


What are the benefits of ePrescribing? 

There are four main benefits of e-Prescribing for practices and their patients. 

  • Instant patient access to prescription regardless of location of appointment 
  • Greater convenience for patients thanks to a digital copy of the prescription 
  • Return power of choice of pharmacies to patients 
  • Reduction of administrative costs from sending prescriptions via fax and post 


We are currently rolling out e-prescribing to select MediRecords customers. If you would like to start using e-prescribing, then please let us know by contacting 


Alternatively, for more information on what you need to set up e-prescribing you can read this article: 


Medirecrods team member picture

Maxwell Holmes, Product Manager

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