7 reasons to rethink technology decisions

7 reasons to rethink technology decisions

Tim Pegler

Tim Pegler

My household recently purchased an electric vehicle (EV) – a complete backflip on what we had intended. So, what happened to change our decision?

When it comes to choosing a car, I’m more worrier than warrior. Going electric seemed a bridge too far. Vehicle ‘range anxiety’, trip planning and recharging hassles were big barriers for me to overcome before getting on board EV technology. I’m also brand loyal and very hard to shift.

We were so close to buying a hybrid vehicle. We drove it and loved it. So, what changed? Here are seven factors that influenced our household decision:

1. Conversations with trusted users, ranging from brave and wacky early adopters to recent converts, changed our lens. Discussing pros, cons and compromises with actual users, backed by extensive reading and watching product reviews from balanced, independent sources, was influential.

2. Smart and safe tech: A significant injury has changed our household and how we experience accessibility, mobility and usability. The safety features bundle in the selected vehicle appears to be a usability gamechanger. 

 3. Change management considerations: Many of us are time poor, set in our ways, and disinclined to change. I pessimistically overestimated the change process. But, as one existing user pointed out, “Tim, you already plug in devices every evening so what difference will another make?” To advice from a childhood bakery, I had to ‘Look at the doughnut and not the hole’. 

4. Soft sales technique: The salesperson answered our questions about product features, implementation and onboarding, respected our pre-research, didn’t argue against our confessed biases, and let the product sell itself in an unaccompanied test drive. At no point did we feel pressured or pursued. 

5. Alternatives have not advanced – enough: We tried the latest version of our incumbent vehicle. It was familiar and convenient, and we wanted it to win. There were noticeable improvements but going hybrid felt half-cooked. There would be fuel economy gains but we’d still be paying for servicing old tech, oil and petrol, and not eliminating emissions.     

6. Price: No product is perfect, so we looked at the big picture. In a tabular comparison of safety, product features, economy, run costs and price, we had a clear winner, much to our surprise. Cost comprises more than ticket price.

7. Sustainability: Our home largely runs on solar energy and we’re fortunate to be able to act on environmental concerns and minimise our consumption footprint. We watch the news and are acutely aware people like us have a responsibility to walk the walk, not just talk the talk

As someone with a technology sales role, I have been thinking about how I learn from this consumer experience and apply it to my work in 2025. 

I’ve seen the LinkedIn posts from tech buyers bemoaning people connecting, then pitching and spamming them ad nauseum. Fair enough. Cold calls are like lotto tickets; not many win.  

So in the aim of not hitting your inbox uninvited, here’s how I think my family’s car buying conversion aligns with MediRecords cloud technology: 

1.Trusted.  I encourage would-be buyers to check who has trusted MediRecords with their health records and practice management information. We’re trusted by the Defence Force and other major government clients. Just as importantly, we have loyal clients ranging from sole practitioners to mixed multidisciplinary clinics to large telehealth businesses. You’ll find them on LinkedIn, our website and elsewhere. 

2. Safe. MediRecords’ cloud technology is ISO 27001 and 9001 certified and HIPAA compliant for privacy, security and data safety. We are continually working to improve usability; there’s a big list of user-requested enhancements and innovations going live over the next few weeks. 

One of the key reasons doctors switch to our software is accessibility. You can securely access MediRecords anywhere, without struggling with remote desktop login systems. Cloud tech means no more IT drudgery scheduling updates and backups. And we’re leaders in interoperability — smart ways to exchange data safely. 

3. Outstanding change management. Our team is experienced in change management, with data migration experts and an excellent onboarding and training crew. But the real magic happens when the buyer is as excited as we are about doing business on next generation cloud technology, and the possibilities this creates. Change management is a partnership. 

4. Customer-centred. Our team do not engage in pressure selling. Like the EV dealer, we believe in our product. Our role is to understand your workplace needs and bugbears and then explore together how we can help make your work life easier. 

5. New tech. Traditional server technology still dominates the Australian medical software market, but some vendors are using hybrid technology to bridge the gap to cloud data. If you want the benefits of true cloud connectivity, it’s not the time to go halfway. Governments are on the record stating healthcare data needs to be accessible 24-7; cloud technology needs to be the present, not just the future. 

6. Priced to save you money. MediRecords pricing is competitive but even more so when you look at the big picture. The ability to slash spending on server technology and associated office and electricity costs, along with IT consultants who take you offline for countless software patches and security updates and bill you for storing massive backup files… there are big savings to be made here. 

7. Sustainable. There’s mounting evidence that cloud technology is more sustainable than server tech, thanks to reductions in hardware and energy requirements, and centralisation of data centres and security resources.*  

Like many other consumers, I don’t want to be harassed by sellers. I appreciate good information and timely, accurate responses to questions. I like to stay aware of technological developments so I can work with the best fit solution for the betterment of my family, colleagues, and planet. Selling in this environment is the challenge for sales professionals in 2025. 

My team is committed to goodwill, integrity and a willingness to walk away. We will approach you if we think we can help. If we can’t, thanks for your time and please let us know if things change. 

And yes, I’m self-aware. I’m now an ex-journalist, salesperson who drives an EV. No more dinner party invitations for me. 

Sizzling summer updates

Sizzling Summer Updates

The MediRecords team is turning up the heat this summer with a range of exciting product enhancements!

Inspired by user feedback and our team’s appetite for innovation, the enhancements include streamlined prescribing and clinical workflows, centralised billing for multi-practice sites, user customisation options and much more. These sizzling updates are designed to boost efficiency and enhance your experience with MediRecords!

Check out the enhancements below, and stay tuned for even more enhancements that will supercharge your productivity and elevate your care this summer. Releases for these new features will start from 27 January 2025. Please refer to the table for the scheduled release dates. Note that these dates are subject to change, so we recommend checking back regularly, as the table will be updated as features go live.

Enhancement Name

Enhancement Description



Prescribe menu labelling update

The prescribing drop-down menu options are being renamed to provide clearer, more intuitive labels, ensuring prescribers can easily understand their actions. There are no functional changes, just improved labels for ease of use:

  • E-Prescribe → Save Draft (eRx)
  • E-Prescribe and Print → ePrescribe
  • Prescribe → Save Draft (Paper)
  • Prescribe & Print → Prescribe (Paper)
  • Prescribe and New → Save and New (Paper)

This update aims to enhance user experience by offering more transparent and descriptive button labels.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

Enhanced dose list & search function

The Dose menu in the prescribing window will soon include additional options and a search feature. This update will support prescribers, particularly in medicinal cannabis clinics, by offering more accurate dose choices, such as 0.5ml or 1 puff, and saving time when creating prescriptions. The new search functionality allows providers to quickly find the doses they need and easily save them to their Favourites, eliminating the need to manually enter doses for each prescription.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

New medicinal cannabis forms in Drug Recipes

The Drug Recipe form list will soon be expanded to include Dried Herb, Dried Flower, and Cartridge options. This update will provide medicinal cannabis clinics and prescribers greater flexibility, allowing them to describe medications more accurately and streamline the prescription process.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

PBS/RPBS filter enhancement

Easily filter out non-PBS/RPBS medications to streamline prescribing for patients eligible for reduced pharmacy costs. The filter can be applied across drug searches, Drug Recipes, Drug Classes, and Favourites, ensuring you only see PBS/RPBS-listed medications, saving time and improving prescribing accuracy. Ideal for providers who prescribe predominantly from the PBS/RPBS list, such as GPs who bulk bill.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

Enhanced medication view: Added Prescribed As, Days Between Repeats and Annotations

The Expanded Medication View will soon include Prescribed As, Days Between Repeats, and Annotations, allowing prescribers to easily review key prescription details and how medications were prescribed, all within the Medications grid.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

Extended Prescription Preview Area

The Prescription Preview display area will be expanded and headers added, enabling users to easily view prescription information from any page in the prescribing workflow, at any time.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

AIR Claim Status & Failure Messages in Immunisation Grid

AIR Claim Status and Failure Messages will be added to the patient’s Immunisation Grid, allowing users to quickly view the status of outstanding claims or check if an immunisation has been successfully claimed, all within the patient context. This update will help streamline the process of managing immunisation claims.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

Admission Notes Custom View

The Admission Notes Custom View allows users to personalise their experience by choosing between the existing summary view (the new default option) or a new detailed preview option. This enhancement eliminates the need to open each individual note, enabling users to quickly navigate through patient notes. By saving time and reducing clicks, this feature streamlines the workflow and improves overall efficiency.

Admissions Customers (Premium)

Release Completed

Enhanced Route List & search function in Drug Recipes

The Drug Recipe Route list now aligns with Medications for improved accuracy in electronic prescribing, with a new search function to streamline recipe creation.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

New Clinical Templates

Discover a comprehensive suite of new clinical templates designed to enhance assessments, streamline care delivery, and support informed decision-making. These include:

  • Observations: Range of Motion (ROM) Upper Limb, Range of Motion (ROM) Lower Limb, Audiogram
  • Examinations: Absolute Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (CVD), Pain Scale Assessment, Glasgow Coma Score/Scale, Eye-Enhanced, Anthropometry, Sharpened Romberg, Neurovascular
  • Health Assessments: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification (AUDIT), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-5)

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

Enhanced Centralised Billing for multi-location practices

MediRecords recently introduced Centralised Billing, enabling users to easily create and manage multiple practices within a single MediRecords customer account. This feature simplifies payment management for organisations with multiple locations. In our upcoming release, you’ll be able to select the desired practice directly from the Invoices, Quotes, Adjustment, and Payment screens. This update will save you time, reduce clicks, and create a more efficient billing process.

For instructions on how to enable Centralised Billing, visit our Knowledge Base article here.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

Invoice Notes enhancement

Invoice Notes will soon be updated regardless of the invoice status. Previously, the Notes field was disabled once the invoice transitioned away from 'On Hold,' preventing users from capturing important updates like payment delays or awaiting cheque details. With this enhancement, users can maintain a running commentary and add any relevant information about the invoice at any stage, ensuring full visibility and better tracking throughout the payment process.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

New Account Notes feature

A new feature for adding, updating, and managing account-related notes will soon be available in the billing section of the Accounts Tab. With the upcoming Notes feature directly in the Accounts tab, you’ll be able to capture and access account-specific notes without leaving the billing area. This update will streamline your workflow, keep patient records organised, and ensure important account details are always easily accessible.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

Credit information added to Invoice

The credit and balance due information will be added directly to the invoice, providing increased visibility of the patient’s account. This enhancement streamlines billing by making it easier to track payments and balances when billing from an appointment or the Waiting Room.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

Ability to send an email to multiple recipients

The new multi-recipient email sending feature will allow users to send emails to multiple recipients simultaneously using the ‘Copies To’ field in Email on Demand. The enhanced ‘Recipient’ field under the Contact tab will also support multiple contacts, ensuring secure and efficient communication. This update streamlines workflows, reduces manual effort, and strengthens audit capabilities.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)

Release Completed

New Patient Header Expand/Collapse feature

A new Collapse/Expand Header feature will soon be introduced in the Patient Header Section, allowing users to manage screen space efficiently. With clearly visible buttons, users can toggle between a full or condensed view, improving navigation and maximising vertical viewing for Patient Records.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)


New Customisable  Patient Header Widget

The new Customise Patient Header Widget feature will soon allow users to tailor the Patient Header to their unique preferences. With the “Customise Patient Header” toggle, users can personalise the widget and adjust header settings to display the most relevant information. Practices can enable this feature by contacting their Customer Success Manager. Once enabled, users can access the 'Customise Patient Header Widget' in the top right-hand corner of the Patient Header and select up to eight Patient Indicators for a more streamlined and personalised view.

All customers

(Standard and Premium)


Want to know more about the upcoming features?

Current customers can contact their Customer Success Manager or email  success@medirecords.com for more details.

New to MediRecords? Click the button below to schedule a demo with our Sales team!