MediRecords wises up on CSIRO’s Smart Forms for Healthcare

MediRecords wises up
on CSIRO’s Smart Forms
for Healthcare

Leading cloud healthcare technology company MediRecords is deploying CSIRO’s open-source Smart Forms software to develop FHIR forms for rapid deployment into clinical use. 

The initiative will see Smart Forms technology deployed in the MediRecords platform, enabling faster access to new clinical assessment tools and patient surveys. 

The first Smart Form, a Falls Risk Assessment, is expected to be available in MediRecords this month. 

Commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Health, Smart Forms technology was developed to improve health assessment procedures and clinical information sharing, leading to better patient outcomes. This was first demonstrated through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check Assessment Smart Form. 

Standardised forms can streamline how clinicians capture patient data and simplify how this data is made available for research and other analysis. 

MediRecords Integrations Lead Sanjeed Quaiyumi said Smart Forms would accelerate the introduction of new health assessments within MediRecords. 

“MediRecords is laying the foundations for the adoption of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) in the broader health ecosystem, having developed and implemented an extensive library of FHIR and API resources. Smart Forms provide an exciting new way to gather and share data.” 

What are Smart Forms? 

Smart Forms conform to the HL7 FHIR Structured Data Capture and SMART App Launch Implementation Guides, ensuring seamless interoperability between clinical systems and applications. This standardised approach facilitates exchange of electronic health information across a diverse range of platforms. 

Key benefits of Smart Forms include: 

  • Interoperability: Facilitating seamless data exchange between FHIR-enabled healthcare applications and systems 
  • Adaptability: Customisable forms tailored to specific clinical contexts and user needs 
  • Standardisation: Adherence to standardised data formats and coding conventions for consistency in healthcare data representation 
  • Security: Robust security measures to safeguard patient data and maintain privacy 
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for accessibility across various levels of technical expertise 
  • Enhanced Workflow Efficiency: Streamlined data capture, retrieval, and exchange processes for improved decision-making and patient care coordination. 

MediRecords will use Smart Forms to expand its range of clinical templates, starting with the Falls Risks Assessment and extending to inpatient Admissions and Primary Care Assessments forms. 

This initiative underscores MediRecords’ commitment to driving innovation and enhancing healthcare outcomes through cutting-edge technologies. By harnessing the power of CSIRO’s Smart Forms, MediRecords aims to significantly improve data capture options, providing clinicians with advanced tools for delivering personalised patient care. 

MediRecords actively participates in the Sparked FHIR Accelerator community. Sparked is a collaboration between Department of Health and Aged Care, the Australian Digital Health Agency, HL7 Australia and CSIRO’s Australian e-Health Research Centre. 

Media inquiries:

For media inquiries or further information, please contact MediRecords Senior Business Development Manager Tim Pegler via 


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Email on Demand is now live on MediRecords

Email on Demand is now live on MediRecords!

Enhance your communication workflow with Email on Demand –
MediRecords' latest feature!

We are excited to share that Email on Demand is now live on the MediRecords platform! This new feature allows our users to send emails directly from MediRecords, removing the need to download files or switch between applications. By using our new email solution, users can streamline their communications, save resources, and have more time for patient-focused care.

Users can now access Email on Demand from the Universal Communications Bar, which is located at the top right-hand corner of the MediRecords platform. When users click on the email icon, they will see a pop-up window where they can compose and send an email. Users can also attach documents from MediRecords files or from their local device.

When using Email on Demand within a patient record, users can simply tick the checkbox to Select Current Patient, and the Recipient and Regarding fields will be automatically filled with the applicable details.

Email on Demand is a useful feature that helps to optimise workflows and efficiency with benefits including:

  • Emailing clinic rosters and staff updates to internal practice users
  • Sending attachments to patients such as a Health Summary, Care Plan, prescriptions, medical certificates, and education resources.
  • Sending multiple document attachments to external healthcare professionals, regarding a specific patient.

Interested in exploring Email on Demand further? Book a demo with our Sales team, and discover how Email on Demand can help to optimise your practice’s communications.

Play Video

Frequently asked questions

Any document created as a New Letter or Imported into the Correspondence OUT grid will be available to be attached, provided that the letter status is Final. This means Investigation Requests, Invoices, Patient Education, and more, can be sent via email after being uploaded to the Patient’s Correspondence.

While you won’t be able to receive a direct reply into MediRecords, you can include Reply-to instructions in the body of your email. All emails will come from a clear no-reply email address with an embedded footer that also indicates the inability to receive replies.

Yes, you can send as many emails as you like, however you will be unable to include multiple recipients on one email at this stage.

To keep your email safe and secure, the recipient’s email address must be confirmed and saved within a Patient Record or Contact.

As with most email servers, a failure to deliver can take a long time and is not always immediately apparent. While you won’t be able to see a delivery status within MediRecords, if you’re concerned your email has not reached its destination, please speak to our Support team.

A sent email will be logged as a Task in the Activities screen, and within the Patient’s Activities tab. This entry will include comprehensive details of the email, including all recipient and patient information, and even whether a file was attached or not, to provide peace of mind that your email went to the right place, and that you didn’t forget to attach that document.

MediRecords utilises SMTP Port 587, as do many other major industry mail clients, such as Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail. This is highly secure, encrypted and reliable, with additional layers of security compared to other ports.

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    Investigations: Improvements & new features

    Investigations: Improvements & new features

    How MediRecords is introducing smart new ways to manage Investigations requests and results.

    In MediRecords, ‘Investigations’ comprise the pathology and radiology Requests and Results that are housed within a Patient Clinical File.

    Once a patient has completed a test or scan, if the MediRecords practice is using Secure Messaging, results are sent direct to the MediRecords Inbox where clinicians can review the contents, create any follow-up recall activities, and link these to the Patient Clinical File. Alternatively, the practice may choose to manually upload results via the Inbox or the Patient Result Grid.

    MediRecords has recently updated the Investigations feature with new features to make workflows more efficient and convenient. Here are some of the benefits our users will enjoy thanks to improvements across Investigations:

    Save time and hassle: Easily renew a request by duplicating a prior request with the same details. These pre-filled referrals are beneficial for monitoring chronic conditions and for recurring tests. For example, suppose a patient needs a blood test every three months to check their cholesterol level. In that case, the clinician can simply renew the previous request and send it to the pathology provider without having to fill most of the details again.

    Keep track of patients’ results: Users can now link a Patient Result to the original Request from within the Patient Result Grid, to allow an end-to-end workflow for manual and/or paper results. This new feature enables users to close the loop for manual results by allowing them to connect two items and then update the Status of the original Request to Partially or Fully Received, with a couple of clicks. For example, if a patient has completed a chest x-ray to diagnose possible pneumonia, the clinician can easily link the Result to the Request from the Patient Result Grid, then update the Status of the Request to indicate that the Results have been received and reviewed

    Work at your own pace: Create a draft request and save it for later. This allows clinicians to add information or make changes. before marking a Request as outstanding. This becomes particularly useful when a patient may require a radiology test or scan, but pathology tests need to be completed prior. The clinician can create a draft Request and save it in the patient’s record. They can then edit the Request later to add more details (e.g. outcome of pathology results).

    Customise workflows & allocate new levels of priority: Our new priority fields provide more options on the level of urgency (e.g., routine, urgent, ASAP, STAT) of a request. We have also added new filters to help sort and search for patient requests and results.

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      MediRecords Feature Release: Email on Demand

      Feature Release: Email on Demand

      Email correspondence to your contacts and patients from any screen in MediRecords with Email on Demand.

      We are excited to announce that Email on Demand is being released very soon, a highly anticipated feature that allows our users to send emails from MediRecords with ease. Users will be able to send emails directly from MediRecords, without having to download files or switch between applications. By integrating our new email solution into MediRecords, users can simplify their communications processes, reduce administrative overhead, and expedite patient care. 

      Email on Demand is accessible from the Universal Communications Bar, which is in the top right-hand corner of the MediRecords platform. This feature allows users to securely send an email to any contact or patient in their database from any MediRecords screen. Whether they are in the Patient Clinical Dashboard, Appointments, or Billing screen, they can use this feature to share key information & attachments with patients and contacts.

      Play Video

      Email on Demand is designed to be easy to use and reduce errors when selecting recipient or patient details. When users are viewing a Patient Record and open Email on Demand, they can tick the checkbox to Select Current Patient, and the Recipient and Regarding fields will be automatically populated with the patient details. Users can also search for any contact or patient in their database from the Recipient field.

      The Send button will become Active when all required fields (Recipient, Subject and Message) have been populated. Before sending an email, a pop up will appear to ask the user to confirm the details are correct. The user can either Cancel or Continue. If the user cancels, the pop up will close and the user can edit the email. If the user continues, the pop up will close, the email will be sent, and the Email screen will reset.

      Email on Demand is a convenient feature that helps to enhance workflows and productivity. Users can use Email on Demand for various purposes, such as:

      • Emailing clinic rosters & updates to internal practice users 
      • Sending attachments to patients such as a Health Summary, Care Plan, prescriptions, medical certificates and education resources.  
      • Sending multiple document attachments to external healthcare professionals, regarding a specific patient. 

      To read more on how to use Email on Demand, please visit the following articles from our  Knowledge Base.

      If you would like to book a demo, please contact our Sales team here.

      Frequently asked questions

      Any document created as a New Letter or Imported into the Correspondence OUT grid will be available to be attached, provided that the letter status is Final. This means Investigation Requests, Invoices, Patient Education, and more, can be sent via email after being uploaded to the Patient’s Correspondence.

      While you won’t be able to receive a direct reply into MediRecords, you can include Reply-to instructions in the body of your email. All emails will come from a clear no-reply email address with an embedded footer that also indicates the inability to receive replies.

      Yes, you can send as many emails as you like, however you will be unable to include multiple recipients on one email at this stage.

      To keep your email safe and secure, the recipient’s email address must be confirmed and saved within a Patient Record or Contact.

      As with most email servers, a failure to deliver can take a long time and is not always immediately apparent. While you won’t be able to see a delivery status within MediRecords, if you’re concerned your email has not reached its destination, please speak to our Support team.

      A sent email will be logged as a Task in the Activities screen, and within the Patient’s Activities tab. This entry will include comprehensive details of the email, including all recipient and patient information, and even whether a file was attached or not, to provide peace of mind that your email went to the right place, and that you didn’t forget to attach that document.

      MediRecords utilises SMTP Port 587, as do many other major industry mail clients, such as Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail. This is highly secure, encrypted and reliable, with additional layers of security compared to other ports.

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        MediRecords makeover brings new features for multidisciplinary care

        MediRecords makeover brings new features for multidisciplinary care

        Innovative cloud electronic health record company MediRecords has released a major makeover of its entire platform, including new features supporting team-care.

        The MediRecords 2.0 release implements a new user interface designed to optimise screen space, simplify navigation, and increase prominence for alerts and notifications.

        Another new feature is a universal communications bar for real time chat between team members from anywhere in MediRecords, with email integration coming soon.

        In recognition of healthcare providers’ increasingly fragmented work lives, clinicians can now see a calendar view that shows their appointments across multiple clinics.

        MediRecords has also introduced multi-factor authentication, which bolsters existing security options, such as Azure Active Directory integration.

        A major program of work throughout 2023 will see additional features released, including:

        • Case Management
        • Group Appointments
        • An inpatient module with admissions, charting, handovers, and medication management
        • Letter writer tool upgrade
        • Email on demand
        • Payments integration.

        MediRecords founder and Chief Executive Officer Matthew Galetto said providing the flexibility to support multidisciplinary, value-based care was central to the platform redesign.

        “The Federal Government’s Strengthening Medicare Taskforce pointed to the importance of multidisciplinary care in general practice and allied health. MediRecords is committed to supporting new ways of delivering connected care to people with chronic conditions, wherever they are in Australia.”

        MediRecords clients include virtual emergency departments, private hospital consulting suites, government agencies, telehealth and virtual care providers, general practitioners, specialists, and multidisciplinary clinics.

        Media inquiries

        To arrange to speak with Mr. Galetto, or for further information on MediRecords 2.0, please email Tim Pegler or call 0412 485 146.


        Established in 2014, Australian digital health technology company MediRecords offers a flexible and scalable cloud-hosted electronic health record and patient management system used across the continuum of Australian healthcare.

        MediRecords has significant contracts with Queensland Health and the Department of Defence. In March 2020, MediRecords and healthdirect collaborated to deliver the National Coronavirus Helpline, which was an integral part of the Australian Government’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

        For further information, visit

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          MediRecords 2.0: Experience a refreshed and intuitive design

          MediRecords 2.0: Experience a refreshed and intuitive design

          MediRecords 2.0’s newly redesigned interface brings a range of exciting and intuitive design elements and features to streamline workflows, optimise patient care, and enable better communication with staff and patients.

          This major upgrade brings several significant improvements, including:

          New user interface

          Experience a refreshed design, including a new colour scheme designed to offer a user-friendly and intuitive customer experience.

          Universal Communications Bar

          Enable better communication and collaboration within the platform with the Universal Communications Bar. This will be introduced to the right-hand side of the application and house features such as Chat, Alerts and Notifications, SMS on demand and an Email on-demand function scheduled for release later this year. 

          Universal Communications Bar is available from all areas within the application to assist in improved business efficiency and access. 

          Left-hand Navigation Bar

          The new navigation bar means there’s more width to display patient records and information, increasing access to patient data and reducing the need to scroll. You can also seamlessly switch between practices using the dropdown option at the top. 

          Colour-coded icons

          These new colour-coded alert enhancements indicate severity of patient allergies and the urgency of reminders. This information is crucial for healthcare professionals to identify and prioritise critical information efficiently, enabling timely and appropriate care delivery.

          Appointments enhancements

          Say goodbye to the hassle of toggling between different practices and the risk of double booking! Our appointment enhancement allows you to view the calendars of providers working across multiple practices in a single, convenient view. With this enhancement, you can streamline your practice management processes and ensure efficient scheduling, without the need for constant switching across different practices.

          We invite you to explore MediRecords 2.0 and experience the future of healthcare by booking a demo today! 


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            MediRecords in the fast lane for FHIR connectivity

            MediRecords in the
            fast lane for FHIR connectivity

            MediRecords will be releasing new FHIR integration pathways for clients throughout 2023, as part of our commitment to a better connected Australian healthcare system. 


            As can be seen from our FHIR Roadmap below, we not only have established and proven options for data sharing, but we’re investing in the expansion of our Connect platform which comprises of  FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources) and Connect services.

            We now have FHIR integrations with hospital systems for ePrescribing, and updating patient records. New resources in development for MediRecords 2.0 include allergies, diagnostic requests and reports, patient summaries, and inpatient charting.

            MediRecords Chief Executive Officer Matthew Galetto said the Connect platform enabled health care providers and patients to access records quickly and securely, driving better and timelier health outcomes.

            “We’re keen to see more software vendors hit the road and deliver on industry standards for interoperability, resulting in connected health care across Australia,” Mr Galetto said.

            “Some vendors seem to be waiting for a reason to modernise when the motivation should be clear — the right care at the right time, wherever you are in Australia.”

            MediRecords is part of a national consortium, led by Leidos Australia, developing a new Health Knowledge Management (HKM) system for the Australian Defence Force. This project will see MediRecords connect health records for GPs, allied health practitioners, specialists, patients, and hospitals.

            MediRecords is also supporting the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department with an integrated ePrescribing system.

            MediRecords Technical Product Lead Sanjeed Quaiyumi said 2023 would be an exciting year. “We’re working on consultation notes and can’t wait to hit other milestones on our roadmap.”

            MediRecords FHIR Roadmap

            MediRecords FHIR roadmap was last updated 01/11/23.

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              MediRecords 2.0: New ways to Care, Connect and Engage

              MediRecords 2.0: New ways to Care, Connect
              and Engage

              MediRecords 2.0 is the most comprehensive overhaul of our electronic patient record and clinic management system since we launched in Australia in 2016. While there have been many product updates over the years, MediRecords 2.0 is designed to use screen space better, streamline workflows, reduce administrative burn-out and support shared care.


              MediRecords Head of Product Jayne Thompson says, “Innovation is as important to us as it is to our customers”. The 2.0 product update reflects this philosophy, introducing best-in-class user experience design and other client-driven enhancements, while reinforcing the foundations for next generation digital health connectivity.  

              Having grown beyond its origins as Australia’s pioneering, cloud-based practice management system, the MediRecords platform is now underpinned by three pillars: Care, Connect and Engage. Each of these will gain major new features during 2023.



              The MediRecords Care pillar contains core clinical features such as patient records, ePrescribing, appointment management, investigations, billing and claiming, correspondence, and assessments. New Care functionality will include: 

              • Case Management – Members of a designated Care Team can view and update client case notes. This is particularly valuable where care is shared between a multidisciplinary team working from separate locations or across different shifts. For example, mental health practitioners can collaborate with GPs and rehabilitation specialists as patients progress towards a safe return to work. 
              • Group appointments – Patients will be able to book and join group sessions or classes. This feature will enable group therapy, family consultations and community health programs, with providers able to message an entire group or individual group members. 
              • New mental health and readiness for work assessment templates are being added, including the Glasgow Coma Scale. 
              • Single provider view of appointments: Clinicians practising across multiple clinics won’t have to jump between them to view their appointments. Appointments across multiple sites will be consolidated in a single view. 
              • New communication capability: Real time chat with team members will be available throughout MediRecords, making it easier to message team members on the fly. Our new Comms bar will also provide shortcuts to SMS, email, alerts, and notifications. 
              • Inpatients – In a major new premium* feature, MediRecords will be able to support complex care, including inpatient admissions, detailed charting, clinical escalations, progress notes and Discharge Summaries. 
              • Our Letter writer tool is having a makeover and will be even easier to use, with highly requested new functionality, such as digital signatures. 
              • We’ve added industry-leading means of recording Consent (or denial of consent) and made it easier to add attachments to patient records. 
              • Custom fields and Tagging can be used in patient records, creating new and innovative ways to capture information, search records and report on data. 



              Many clients are familiar with our Connect site. MediRecords was an early adopter of FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources) and API technology and new options for using these to share data are on the way. We have proven integrations with patient monitoring devices, patient-reported outcome and engagement measure systems (PROMs and PREMs), dictation technology and partner products. MediRecords is built on the SNOMED-CT-AU data coding system, which makes the data we share cleaner and primed for analytics. 

              • We now have FHIR integrations with enterprise products such as hospital patient administration systems (PAS) and scanned medical record software. This means a patient record created or updated in MediRecords can be pushed up into hospital systems, ensuring consistency of records and supporting better patient safety. Current options include allergies, medication requests and dispense notifications. 
              • New FHIR resources to be added throughout 2023 include referrals, diagnostic requests, diagnostic reports, and vital signs.  



              MediRecords has already connected over 60,000 patients to healthcare records via our patient mobile app. This enables consumers to book appointments, see medication information, receive reports and educational resources, and access and store personal health documents. We’re taking this to the next level in 2023 with an entirely new patient engagement platform. This will include new features such as:  

              • Real time surveys and forms 
              • Clinical assessment and observations data for remote monitoring 
              • In-appointment chat functionality 
              • Secure web access to personal health data. 

              Frequently asked questions

              MediRecords 2.0 is an overhaul of our current platform rather than a new product. All existing customers will transition to 2.0. Sticking with the old MediRecords format will not be an option.

              We will perform the update remotely. Users won’t have to download or do anything.

              We have done our utmost to preserve familiarity and usual behaviour within the MediRecords application, but the new layout may take some adjustment. To help with this, we have been providing Lunch and Learn sessions for clients. Please reach out to our training team if you have any further questions,

              Development will finish in March. Rigorous testing will follow before pilot sites switch to 2.0 in late April. Once we have considered their feedback, we’ll finalise the date for general release and shout it from the rooftops to let you know. 

              If you are a current client, please contact your Account Manager if you would like to be a test pilot for these new features. Limited places are available.  

              MediRecords 2.0 is an upgrade of your existing system and will be covered by usual licence fees. However, some of the optional new features will be Premium products and require additional fees. Details will be published as soon as possible. 


              For other questions, please email

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                MediRecords Product Update: Consult & Consent File Upload

                Product update:
                Consult & Consent
                File Upload

                Attach consultation or consent documents to a patient record
                within MediRecords today!

                MediRecords has recently released a file upload function for practices that wish to attach consultation or consent documents to a patient record. The upload function can store files of many types for capturing consent or consultation documentation.  

                This feature will mean you can ensure important patient information is captured and attached to their patient record, such as:   

                • Uploading hand-written patient consult notes for providers who prefer analogue note-taking.  
                • Attaching any auxiliary information related to a patient’s consultation that may have been generated outside of MediRecords.  
                • Upload a signed consent form to the relevant consent record, to keep the documentation together and secure.  

                Files can be uploaded to the consultation via the clinical tab by clicking the paperclip icon beside Today’s Notes heading in the main panel and following the upload instructions. There is also a new Attachments tab on the side panel, which can be used to look for and view attachments made to a consult.   

                The Consent module now includes a file upload function where you can easily upload the documentation when creating a new type of consent. 

                For full information and step-by-step instructions on using MediRecords Consult & Consent File Upload functionality, please view our Knowledge Base articles below or contact our friendly Support team.  

                All new customers are welcome to book a demonstration to learn how MediRecords can support your organisation today. 


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                  MediRecords Product Update: Consent Module

                  Product update:
                  Consent Module

                  MediRecords is excited to announce another product update, the Consent Module.

                  The Consent Module addresses a critical need in healthcare – the need to capture and store electronic consent forms (and help make clipboards and paper-based questionnaires a thing of the past). 

                  MediRecords’ Consent Module has the flexibility to record consent for various procedure types or investigations. The Consent module is per-patient and used to capture and store the Consent type, scope, and associated documentation required (coming soon). 

                  It shows exactly what the patient has provided consent for or rejected. This includes concepts such as Advanced Care Directives, information disclosure to third parties, acceptance of privacy policies and more. 

                  You can open this new feature via a new tab at the top of the patient record, for quick viewing access. Potential ways to use the Consent Module include: 

                  1. New Patient Registration form – patients can sign consent for a practice to begin collecting their medical information 
                  2. Advanced Care Directive – patient provides consent for their care if they become unable to make these decisions themselves 
                  3. Procedural consent – Useful in pre-admission workflows – consent for upcoming procedures or treatment 
                  4. Do Not Resuscitate – orders given by the patient not to resuscitate if they fall unconscious

                  Future enhancements are imminent for this feature. In future releases you will be able to upload a Consent document directly to the Consent record, so that you can store paper consent forms along with electronic records.  

                  To learn more about the Consent Module and how you can implement it for your business, please follow the link to our Knowledge Base articles below or contact our friendly Support team. 

                  If you have feedback on our new feature, please reach out to your account manager. We would love to hear from you!  

                  Consent Module Support Knowledge Base article 

                   All new customers are welcome to book a demonstration to learn how MediRecords can support your organisation today

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