MediRecords Product Update March 2021

Product Update March 2021

MediRecords Product Update: March 2021

Megan Harker

Megan Harker, Support Team Lead

Big things have been happening in MediRecords already in 2021.
New year, new staff and new features!

Active Ingredient Prescribing

The mandatory Active Ingredient Prescribing was instated on Feb 1stMediRecords released its’ new functionality in anticipation of this legislation and user may have found a slight change to their workflows.    

Each prescription is now printed with the Active Ingredient of the medication, as well as the brand name if chosen.  There are exemptions from the requirement, and the full article can be found on our Knowledge Base here.

Ability to add GAP to Agreements 

Users can now add GAPs to Agreement invoices to transmit through Eclipse.  
Health Funds such as Bupa and HBF only accept claims through the Agreement channel, and prior to this update, a gap was unable to be added onto the invoices transmitted through this channel.


Date of Service field is now seen in Unclaimed Amount

Previously the screen only showed the invoice date for all unbatched invoices in this area, meaning the user needs to click into each invoice to check the date of service.  But no more! We’ve updated the screen to also include the date of service as well as the invoice date for ease of use.  


Theatre List Report 

Specialists have access to a new report that contains information about their Procedures for a particular date. This can be found in More > Reporting > Patients > Theatre List Report. 


Investigations Defaults 

Users can now adjust their preferences for which menu defaults in Investigations between All Requests and their Favourites. 
This can be configured in the user preferences 

Changes to Resource and Contact Creations 

We’ve made some changes recently to the way resources and contacts are saved in MediRecords.  

 Previously there were three areas to save your contacts and resources: 

  • Private – only the creator can see  
  • Practice – only those in the Practice can see  
  • Community – All MediRecords users can see 

We have removed the ability to create Community resources and contacts to reduce the number of items in the grid when searching for these items.  Community contacts and templates will only be supplied by MediRecords 
If you have a suggestion or requirement for a resource that would be beneficial for other MR users, please contact the Support Team. 

Changes to Correspondence to the Patient App  

We’ve recently made some changes to the way correspondence is sent to patients via the app.  The only correspondence sent to the app will be those that are marked as FINAL.  Anything in DRAFT will not be shared.   

Multiple Patient Billing 

Did you know MediRecords has the functionality to support multiple patient billing?  A function that would assist our users who service Residential Aged Care Facilities or any other clinics that see multiple patients for Medicare or DVA Bulk Billing.  
This function can be found in Accounts > Sales, or can be accessed through the patient grid.  

Contact our Support Team if you would like more information about Multiple Patient Billing.

Number of Ingredients in Drug Recipes Extended

For those practices who use Drug Recipes, you may have noticed that the ingredient listing has been extended to 6 ingredients from the previous 4.  This should make life a little easier for all our practices who use this function for comprehensive extemporaneous preparations.   

This change came about from feedback from a valued customer just like you! 


If you need any help with any of these new features, or any others, then please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support team via email at, on 1300 103 903 or through the chat function on your MediRecords webpage. 

Megan Harker

Megan Harker, Support Team Lead

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    MediRecords Product Update November 2020

    Product Update Spring 2020

    MediRecords Product Update: November 2020

    Product Update Spring 2020
    Megan Harker

    Megan Harker, Customer Support Coordinator

    An Overview of the Spring 2020 Updates from MediRecords

    You may have noticed in the last few months that MediRecords have been pumping out new features and updates fairly regularly. Here’s a quick overview of just some of the new functionality, in case you missed anything:


    Appointment Updates


    Tiles Re-Coloured and Appointment Information

    We have introduced vibrant new colours in the appointment book to differentiate between appointment status. These can be seen if you ‘Appointment Colour Palette’ is set to ‘Status’.

    The ‘Appointment Type’ is also displayed as text next to the patient name for extra visibility.

    We have also introduced ‘Hover State’. This means you can now see the status of an appointment quickly and easily by hovering the mouse over the appointment.

    Easier Access to Patient Records

    You can now open a patient record from multiple areas of the appointments calendar, just by clicking their name. This feature can be found when hovering over an appointment, when viewing a provider’s calendar by month, and in the Agenda view.

    More Appointment Types

    We have also increased the number of different appointment types you can use. Filtering by ‘Inactive’ will reveal the editable tiles, with up to 60 different types of appointments.

    You can find out more about editing Appointment Types here.

    Improved Provider Filter

    The Provider Filter has been adapted to reduce loading times. You can now easily search and select the providers that you want to see the calendars for by using the search box.

    For more information on the Provider Filter and how to set your calendar defaults, see here.

    Patient Appointment Search

    Alongside the Provider Filter, we have implemented improvements to how you search for a patient’s appointments to include an ‘All Providers’ option, if the provider has not already been selected.

    This ensures you don’t miss any appointment information.

    Billing Updates

    In-Patient Billing

    Our in-patient billing functionality has had a huge overhaul and is continuing to be improved.

    Health Fund schedules, including AHSA, being updated have been enhanced and derived items are now automatically calculated. We have also removed the automatically populated $400 gap that was being applied to every item, and keep an eye out for the ability to add a Gap payment to an Agreement early 2021. You can now also bill ‘In-Patient Invoices’ directly from the Calendar and Waiting Room.

    Additionally, when invoicing from the Appointment screen, the invoice will populate with the service date automatically defaulting to the date of the appointment.

    Improved Invoicing

    Invoices have been improved to now include number item lines, and an item counter.

    You can also choose ‘Immediate’ in your payment terms.

    If you need any help with any of these new features, or any others, then please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support team via email at, on 1300 103 903 or through the chat function on your MediRecords webpage.

    Megan Harker

    Megan Harker, Customer Support Coordinator

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