7 reasons to rethink technology decisions

7 reasons to rethink technology decisions

Tim Pegler

Tim Pegler

My household recently purchased an electric vehicle (EV) – a complete backflip on what we had intended. So, what happened to change our decision?

When it comes to choosing a car, I’m more worrier than warrior. Going electric seemed a bridge too far. Vehicle ‘range anxiety’, trip planning and recharging hassles were big barriers for me to overcome before getting on board EV technology. I’m also brand loyal and very hard to shift.

We were so close to buying a hybrid vehicle. We drove it and loved it. So, what changed? Here are seven factors that influenced our household decision:

1. Conversations with trusted users, ranging from brave and wacky early adopters to recent converts, changed our lens. Discussing pros, cons and compromises with actual users, backed by extensive reading and watching product reviews from balanced, independent sources, was influential.

2. Smart and safe tech: A significant injury has changed our household and how we experience accessibility, mobility and usability. The safety features bundle in the selected vehicle appears to be a usability gamechanger. 

 3. Change management considerations: Many of us are time poor, set in our ways, and disinclined to change. I pessimistically overestimated the change process. But, as one existing user pointed out, “Tim, you already plug in devices every evening so what difference will another make?” To advice from a childhood bakery, I had to ‘Look at the doughnut and not the hole’. 

4. Soft sales technique: The salesperson answered our questions about product features, implementation and onboarding, respected our pre-research, didn’t argue against our confessed biases, and let the product sell itself in an unaccompanied test drive. At no point did we feel pressured or pursued. 

5. Alternatives have not advanced – enough: We tried the latest version of our incumbent vehicle. It was familiar and convenient, and we wanted it to win. There were noticeable improvements but going hybrid felt half-cooked. There would be fuel economy gains but we’d still be paying for servicing old tech, oil and petrol, and not eliminating emissions.     

6. Price: No product is perfect, so we looked at the big picture. In a tabular comparison of safety, product features, economy, run costs and price, we had a clear winner, much to our surprise. Cost comprises more than ticket price.

7. Sustainability: Our home largely runs on solar energy and we’re fortunate to be able to act on environmental concerns and minimise our consumption footprint. We watch the news and are acutely aware people like us have a responsibility to walk the walk, not just talk the talk

As someone with a technology sales role, I have been thinking about how I learn from this consumer experience and apply it to my work in 2025. 

I’ve seen the LinkedIn posts from tech buyers bemoaning people connecting, then pitching and spamming them ad nauseum. Fair enough. Cold calls are like lotto tickets; not many win.  

So in the aim of not hitting your inbox uninvited, here’s how I think my family’s car buying conversion aligns with MediRecords cloud technology: 

1.Trusted.  I encourage would-be buyers to check who has trusted MediRecords with their health records and practice management information. We’re trusted by the Defence Force and other major government clients. Just as importantly, we have loyal clients ranging from sole practitioners to mixed multidisciplinary clinics to large telehealth businesses. You’ll find them on LinkedIn, our website and elsewhere. 

2. Safe. MediRecords’ cloud technology is ISO 27001 and 9001 certified and HIPAA compliant for privacy, security and data safety. We are continually working to improve usability; there’s a big list of user-requested enhancements and innovations going live over the next few weeks. 

One of the key reasons doctors switch to our software is accessibility. You can securely access MediRecords anywhere, without struggling with remote desktop login systems. Cloud tech means no more IT drudgery scheduling updates and backups. And we’re leaders in interoperability — smart ways to exchange data safely. 

3. Outstanding change management. Our team is experienced in change management, with data migration experts and an excellent onboarding and training crew. But the real magic happens when the buyer is as excited as we are about doing business on next generation cloud technology, and the possibilities this creates. Change management is a partnership. 

4. Customer-centred. Our team do not engage in pressure selling. Like the EV dealer, we believe in our product. Our role is to understand your workplace needs and bugbears and then explore together how we can help make your work life easier. 

5. New tech. Traditional server technology still dominates the Australian medical software market, but some vendors are using hybrid technology to bridge the gap to cloud data. If you want the benefits of true cloud connectivity, it’s not the time to go halfway. Governments are on the record stating healthcare data needs to be accessible 24-7; cloud technology needs to be the present, not just the future. 

6. Priced to save you money. MediRecords pricing is competitive but even more so when you look at the big picture. The ability to slash spending on server technology and associated office and electricity costs, along with IT consultants who take you offline for countless software patches and security updates and bill you for storing massive backup files… there are big savings to be made here. 

7. Sustainable. There’s mounting evidence that cloud technology is more sustainable than server tech, thanks to reductions in hardware and energy requirements, and centralisation of data centres and security resources.*  

Like many other consumers, I don’t want to be harassed by sellers. I appreciate good information and timely, accurate responses to questions. I like to stay aware of technological developments so I can work with the best fit solution for the betterment of my family, colleagues, and planet. Selling in this environment is the challenge for sales professionals in 2025. 

My team is committed to goodwill, integrity and a willingness to walk away. We will approach you if we think we can help. If we can’t, thanks for your time and please let us know if things change. 

And yes, I’m self-aware. I’m now an ex-journalist, salesperson who drives an EV. No more dinner party invitations for me. 

What to consider when selecting a practice management system?

What to consider when selecting a practice management system?

Looking for a new system to manage your practice, clinical notes, and patient records? What should you be looking for in a software solution?  

Delve into the following factors to consider when seeking a healthcare practice management system. These insights come from conversations with our customers, decades in digital health, and personal experience as healthcare consumers.

1. System architecture

When navigating PMS options, one of the first crucial decisions is whether to opt for a server-based or cloud-based system. Evaluate the long-term costs, encompassing initial setup, subscriptions, IT support, and maintenance. It’s important to tailor your choice to your practice’s model of care, whether it’s virtual care/telehealth, bricks-and-mortar, or a hybrid approach.

Read our article, “Eight Reasons to Embrace Cloud Technology in Healthcare” to learn how cloud technology can help in substantial cost savings, potentially saving your practice $600k in 10 years.

2. Feature requirements

To maximise the efficiency of your healthcare delivery, it’s essential to define specific feature requirements tailored to your practice. From appointment booking to electronic health records and billing, identify key elements such as ePrescribing, Medicare billing & claiming, online booking, My Health Record integration, secure messaging, patient portal functionality, investigation requests, and robust reporting capabilities.

3. Training and support

A successful integration of a PMS into your healthcare setting relies heavily on the training and support provided by the vendor. It’s important to enquire about the level of training and ongoing support offered by the PMS vendor, and to assess the available support mechanisms for addressing any day-to-day operational issues.

4. Evaluate other key aspects –

Other important factors to consider include the following:

  • Ease of use: Ensure the system is user-friendly, promoting an efficient workflow within your team.
  • Mobile accessibility: Verify if the PMS allows remote access, facilitating flexibility and on-the-go management.
  • Interoperability: Confirm the system seamlessly integrates with other healthcare systems, promoting efficient information exchange.
  • Security and compliance: Ensure the PMS adheres to necessary regulations to safeguard patient data, maintaining the highest standards of security.

The truth is every practice has slightly different needs and workflows so no practice/patient management system will be a perfect fit. Each will have strengths and weaknesses and potentially require compromise to accommodate your team’s unique requirements. Finding a flexible, robust system that can tick most of the boxes, now and tomorrow, suggests you’re on the right track.

Contact our Sales team today to discuss how MediRecords cloud-based software can help you. 

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    Keeping it real: Artificial Intelligence to dominate digital health-tech in 2024

    Keeping it real: Artificial Intelligence to dominate digital health-tech in 2024

    Twelve months ago, MediRecords made eight predictions about health-tech trends to watch in 2023. While we weren’t too far off the mark, it’s fair to say some of these emerging trends are still, well, trending. Nonetheless, as we welcome 2024, it’s time to look forward again.


    Any health-tech pundit will have two words for you in 2024: Artificial Intelligence. This is because the AI genie is out of the bottle. The race is on to use this nascent technology in healthcare so that it is safe, secure, accurate, and unbiased. Here are some of the ways AI is being deployed — or will be:

    Smart notes: Using AI assistants to translate consultations into clinical notes should mean less administration and more time for person-centred care. This doesn’t mean the AI is diagnostic, just smart enough to summarise a conversation into pertinent points, after listening to a telehealth or in-person appointment

    Data-driven decisions: No two patients are exactly the same but algorithms can detect patterns across thousands of previous cases and predict the statistically most likely path forward. This will be the basis for health coaching, chronic disease and other illness management programs, hopefully providing timely information at ‘teachable’ moments that can alter and optimise patient outcomes.

    Handy insights: Your handheld device or wearable is likely to know things about you before anyone else. How hard you tap the screen, your vocabulary, tone of voice, gait, facial expression, skin tone, heart rate, respiration, perspiration and oxygen saturation are signposts to your mental and physical health. Combining these data points will enable earlier interventions. Imagine how powerful this could be for triggering a call to a clinician or counsellor when a patient needs help or reminding someone to take their medication.

    Getting under your skin: A drop of blood, a lick of saliva and other bodily fluid samples can help you find long lost relatives but also medications that work better for you and foods that make the orchestra in your gut microbiome play in tune. Consumer kits for quicker insights into fertility, fitness, faeces and more, will become readily available.

    Coming to your sensors: Data will be harvested from sources including your phone camera, your clothing (See This AI-Powered Sock Could Revolutionize the Care of People With Dementia | Tech Times) and even your toilet (See This Futuristic Toilet Sensor Reads Your Pee to Measure Health – CNET). If it can be measured, it will be.

    Next available: As competition for healthcare-consumer dollars increases, buyer power is boosted. Consumers will expect Uber-style technology to find the next available appointment and have their results and medications delivered, pronto. If funding and regulatory hurdles can be leaped, healthcare could potentially be delivered globally.


    Speaking of regulations, there’s much anticipation associated with the Federal Government’s recently released Digital Health Blueprint for the next decade; see:

    The Digital Health Blueprint and Action Plan 2023–2033 | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care). A key commitment is that personal health data is available and interoperable – in other words useable — wherever you need care. MediRecords is actively involved in the Sparked community developing core national standards for FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). We look forward to Federal incentives for adherence to new industry-wide data models so that healthcare organisations can seamlessly share information.

    Looking within

    The acclaimed US science-fiction author Ray Bradbury had the following to say about predicting the future: “Predicting the future is much too easy… You look at the people around you, the street you stand on, the visible air you breathe, and predict more of the same. To hell with more. I want better.”

    This sentiment is central to MediRecords’ digital health wish list for 2024. We understand the job is never finished. Health tech can never stop striving to do things better, smarter and safer. MediRecords is building next-generation, cloud-connected healthcare. We can confidently predict we’ll be sharing major new product enhancements in coming months.

    About MediRecords

    MediRecords is Australia’s leading cloud electronic health record and patient management system. MediRecords is used by clinicians providing outpatient and inpatient care in community health, Defence, hospitals, emergency medicine, industry, universities, and telemedicine.


    “Tremendous emerging demand”: The security and data challenge in Australian healthcare – Cloud – Digital – Security – CRN Australia

    AI May Be on Its Way to Your Doctor’s Office, But It’s Not Ready to See Patients – KFF Health News

    Amazon Health Launches New Initiative To Address Chronic Conditions (forbes.com)

    Cardiology has embraced AI more than most other specialties (cardiovascularbusiness.com)

    Health technology in 2024: Projections for AI, digital health, and more (chiefhealthcareexecutive.com)

    Use Technology to Support Your Clinicians | HealthLeaders Media

    Why Providence had to ‘blow up’ the old way of providing care with virtual nursing (beckershospitalreview.com)










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      Eight reasons to embrace cloud technology in healthcare

      Eight reasons to embrace cloud technology in healthcare

      We’ve done the maths. But saving $600K in ten years is just one good reason to switch to the cloud.

      In today’s fast-paced world, healthcare needs to be as efficient and technologically advanced as any other sector. This doesn’t mean adopting the latest technology for the sake of it. It does mean delivering 21st-century healthcare and, by doing it right, reaping substantial, long-term cost savings, and significant workplace and environmental benefits.
      Here are eight reasons why cloud technology is essential to healthcare:

      1. Interoperability is the future
      Interoperability isn’t just a passing trend. Governments worldwide are moving towards legislating information sharing by default and cloud technology ensures real-time information exchange at the point of care. In contrast, non-cloud technologies, including cloud-bridging platforms, introduce multiple risks ranging from data integrity to security and governance issues. Cloud-based EHRs (Electronic Health Records) provide superior interoperability, enabling more coordinated and integrated care.

      2. Cloud technology drives operational efficiency
      From minimised IT overheads to consolidation of services and identity management, cloud technology reshapes how businesses operate. It offers universal access, strengthens data security, supports single source systems, and much more. Adopting the cloud doesn’t just mean upgrading technology; it enables overhauling and enhancing the operational fabric of your organisation.

      3. Unparalleled scalability with cloud solutions
      The adaptability of cloud applications is noteworthy. In a landscape that’s continuously evolving, cloud-based solutions can adeptly manage unpredictable usage patterns, support multi-party usage, and adapt to regulatory changes swiftly. With unparalleled scalability, cloud solutions are equipped to handle increasing data volumes, user counts, and evolving stakeholder needs.

      4. Cost Analysis: Cloud vs. on-premise
      When it comes to the financial aspects of healthcare, cloud solutions offer undeniable benefits. Consider the following costs associated with cloud and on-premise solutions. 

      Click here to view the below table in a new window.

      5. Adapting to the casualised workforce trend
      The post-pandemic period has witnessed a shift towards a more casualised healthcare workforce. The burgeoning telemedicine sector, and changing economic circumstances, have resulted in more flexible work arrangements. Digital platforms are bolstering this change, fostering work-from-anywhere telecommuting and freelance opportunities. Cloud technology stands at the crux of these changing workforce trends, ensuring seamless transitions and facilitating innovative care models for healthcare providers and consumers.

      6. Meeting patient expectations in the post-Covid era
      The Covid-19 pandemic reshaped many sectors, and healthcare wasn’t exempt. Nowadays, patients anticipate digital solutions such as online appointment bookings, e-prescriptions, and quick access to telemedicine. Beyond the functional solutions, they also expect a personalised touch to their care, and more involvement in decision-making. Digital healthcare, powered by cloud technology, enables safety improvements, real-time access to information, and an enhanced patient experience.

      7. Environmental benefits
      According to research, cloud computing can decrease carbon emissions by approximately 60%-70%. This not only reflects more sustainable utilisation of resources like water, but also effective management of waste products when decommissioning hardware. As opposed to traditional data centers, cloud data centers are known to be significantly more energy efficient. [1,2] Transition to the cloud means reducing the carbon footprint of your health business.

      8. Virtual care: The way forward
      With virtual care rising in popularity, especially in Australia, integrated patient data systems are crucial. Cloud-based EHR solutions offer healthcare providers location-agnostic access to patient data, ensuring comprehensive care, whether provided remotely or in-clinic.

      In summary, the transition to cloud technology in the healthcare sector isn’t just a tech upgrade; it’s a holistic approach to meeting modern business challenges head-on. Furthermore, the estimated costs savings over a 10-year period for a 10-doctor practice is over $600,000, not to mention the environmental benefits and peace of mind that come with outsourcing operations to a trusted partner.

      Whether you’re a startup or an established player, it’s time to harness the power of the cloud.

      [1] https://sustainability.aboutamazon.com/products-services/the-cloud?energyType=true

      [2] https://aws.amazon.com/executive-insights/content/fighting-climate-change-with-the-cloud/

      This article was written by MediRecords CEO & Founder Matthew Galetto, and originally published by Health Services Daily and The Medical Republic.

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        A clinician’s MediRecords odyssey: unveiling efficient, mobile aged care medicine

        A clinician's MediRecords odyssey: unveiling efficient, mobile aged care medicine

        Here’s the latest in our series on how people use MediRecords. In this Q & A, Dr Gaveen Jayarajan explains why he made the switch to the cloud and MediRecords to power his Doctors in Aged Care mobile medical practice.

        Tell us a bit about your practice.

        I operate the Doctors in Aged Care mobile GP service that visits residents at several Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) throughout metropolitan Melbourne. Our service exclusively does RACF work and is fully mobile and virtual; we see residents in their homes every week. We are committed to excellence in medical care of the elderly using innovative, non-traditional/hybrid approaches to healthcare service delivery.

        Associated with our medical practice, I have built the Doctors in Aged Care (DiAC) Facebook group, which is a community of over 2300 doctors Australia-wide.

        Please contrast MediRecords with the system you used prior to using MediRecords.

        I had used all the common GP clinical and practice management systems working as a GP in medical centres for the previous eight years. Usually clinics would use two different programs, one for clinical use and one for practice management (i.e., appointments/billing/claiming/reporting). When I started working full-time in aged care, I used a popular GP clinical software system which was server-based. This worked okay in a medical centre but was not well suited to mobile work visiting RACFs.

        As a doctor working in a challenging and inefficient setting, I urgently needed a reliable and stable solution. Hence my move to a cloud-based alternative, MediRecords.

        My initial apprehension with using a cloud system was what happens if internet speed and connection were unreliable? To my surprise this was a non-issue. Using mobile broadband devices, which now give NBN-type speeds in some locations, internet speed was not an issue. I could also use my mobile phone as a Hotspot if needed.

        MediRecords is an all-in-one, integrated clinical and practice management system. So, from a single browser window I could access the clinical functions I needed as well as seamlessly view my appointment book, create new appointments, perform billings, view current Medicare claims in progress, and generate reports for total invoices/billings over any time period.

        The third change was no longer having to engage and deal with a third-party IT service provider. Now all of this was handled in the background automatically; updates are   installed remotely with no disruption or major technical issues.

        How does MediRecords enhance your efficiency?

        I use the MediRecords appointment book as a key tool to manage my workload, maximise efficiency and provide proactive rather than reactive care.

        Every time a phone, email or fax request is received to review a patient, the patient’s name is entered into the appointment book for the next weekly visit day (or on the day of request if urgent) with an appointment type depending on the nature of the issue. It could be a “Regular” appointment or classified as for example, “Urgent’’, “Vaccine”, “Wound Review”, “Post-fall Review”, “Health Assessment”, “Phone Consultation”, etc. MediRecords allows multiple appointment types and durations to be created. Every time a patient is seen, a follow-up appointment is also made at an appropriate interval. When done for every patient, I can see with reasonable accuracy what my workload will be like. Unplanned extra patients, or “walk-ins”, can be added to the daily schedule depending on demand that day.

        We further enhance our scheduled care by using the recalls or “Clinical Actions” function. For every new patient we have recalls for core things relating to Medicare item numbers and due dates, e.g., Health Assessments, Residential Medication Management Reviews and Care Plan Contributions.

        Also useful for efficiency is the Tagging feature. I use Tags, along with another existing MediRecords feature of doing multiple patient invoices at once, to reduce the time taken to process daily billings to under five minutes.

        Another recent improvement has come with my API integration of MediRecords with Snapforms. Using Snapforms I created a “New Patient Details Form”. Now when a RACF asks me to take on a new patient, I email them a cloud-based form with a URL link. They complete all new patient details, attach a recent patient health summary or hospital discharge summary and a current medication list. After they hit submit, something magical happens! A new patient file is created in MediRecords with the key demographic data already populated, and a PDF copy of the form and any uploaded health summary or discharge summary and medication lists stored in the Correspondence IN tab in the patient file.

        I use MediRecords on multiple devices including my Surface Laptop, Samsung Galaxy tablet and Samsung Z-Fold 5 mobile phone.

        How does MediRecords enhance patient care?

        MediRecords allows me to operate with the lowest and leanest cost base and make it financially viable and sustainable for the long-term. It enables me to maintain safe and high standards of care that are consistent, repeatable and maximise quality of life for patients.

        What are your tips for people considering changing to MediRecords?

        Have a clear idea and rationale for why you want to move to the cloud.

        It can’t just be about saving money on software subscription costs or on upgrading or buying a new server. Independent GPs working at your practice will not be interested in this. Show them a way forward with a big picture view of how moving to the cloud can change the way they deliver healthcare, creating benefits they are not currently experiencing. Avoid trying to replicate like-for-like every feature of server-based software.

        What are you looking forward to with MediRecords in the future?

        The efficiencies we have been able to achieve by using cloud-based software have been done with an intense focus on optimising processes and managing costs – and without Artificial Intelligence (AI). We look forward to incorporating AI to further drive efficiency and improve patient care standards by automating more administrative processes and providing advanced clinical decision support and insights.

        If you’d like to showcase innovative ways you use MediRecords in healthcare, please reach out to us via sales@medirecords.com.

        Dr Gaveen Jayarajan is an investor and member of the MediRecords Medical Advisory Board.  

        Read more about Doctors in Aged Care on their website.  

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          What are the keys to embedding telehealth into your practice?

          What are the keys to embedding telehealth into your practice?

          A new US study has identified reasons that some primary-care practices were better able than others to adapt to the surge in the demand for telemedicine during the pandemic.

          We wanted to know if the Australian experience was the same, so we asked our telehealth partner, Coviu.

          The study of 87 US practices, in the Annals of Family Medicine, found key factors were:

          • Prior experience with virtual health, such as knowing the importance of grouping telehealth visits together; and
          • Triaging rules, that is, clearly or not clearly knowing which patients could be treated virtually and which required an in-person visit 

          Coviu observed during the pandemic that primary-care practices, boosted by the rapid introduction of universal Medicare reimbursements for phone and video telehealth, were quick to adopt phone for telehealth, but were more reluctant to adopt video telehealth, according to CEO Silvia Pfeiffer.

          “This has remained the major approach to telehealth in primary care,“ Dr Pfeiffer said.

          “This trend persists despite the government’s push for the adoption of video and compelling evidence suggesting that, for many visits, video results in better outcomes than phone calls.

          “But for many primary-care services, phone telehealth is completely adequate, and for many patients without connectivity, phone is the only telehealth option.”

          Coviu confirmed that practitioners throughout the Australian healthcare system demonstrated greater adaptability to telehealth when it was already integrated into their practice model, such as in rural settings, or when it was part of their pre-pandemic strategy.

          “The absence of clear and consistent triage guidelines, especially early in the pandemic, contributed to the challenges faced by healthcare providers,” Dr Pfeiffer said.

          “Triage guidelines help determine which patients should receive in-person care, telehealth consultations, or home care, and their absence can lead to uncertainty and increased workload for clinicians.”

          She said when initially adopting telehealth during the pandemic, primary-care practitioners faced significant challenges including “unmet basic requirements, such as the absence of webcams or sufficiently powerful computers for telehealth”.

          “In addition, many GPs lacked adequate training on what could be accomplished through video telehealth.”

          Today, obstacles to wider adoption of telehealth include, “the stigma associated with video consultations, particularly among practitioners accustomed to in-person care”, Dr Pfeiffer said.

          “Slow change management within healthcare organisations hinders progress, with a perception that video visits are inferior to in-person appointments, which does not apply in all instances. For example, mental health advice often leads to better outcomes when delivered via video in the comfort of a person’s own home.

          “Reimbursements are still a challenge as the rules continue to change, causing confusion.

          “Misinformation about privacy and security concerns as well as regulatory requirements also loom, impacting patient trust.

          “Furthermore, inadequate training, both in technical software use and determining the clinical appropriateness of remote consultations, remains a hurdle.”

          Factors Coviu says lead to successful telehealth adoption include:

          1. Digital knowledge within practices that already had digital communication mechanisms set up with their clients.
          2. Practices that strategically integrated telehealth into their workflows and adopted technology to make this seamless
          3. Practices that prepared their staff with training on their virtual-care workflow
          4.  Adoption of triaging rules by clinicians, as proposed by industry experts such as the RACGP, and other industry bodies and federations.

          MediRecords has partnered with Coviu to streamline booking of video consultations with practice clients. Once your Coviu account is connected to MediRecords, any consultation nominated as a telehealth appointment auto-generates a link to the Coviu virtual consultation and your client is sent an invitation via SMS or email.

          MediRecords and Coviu are both Australian developed cloud-hosted health technology companies.

          Read more about Coviu on their website

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            Untapped potential: Hybrid care benefits remain overlooked post-pandemic

            Untapped potential: Hybrid care benefits remain overlooked post-pandemic

            Hybrid care — that is the mixed delivery of in-person and telehealth consultations by a clinic — is decreasing in Australia, according to leading telehealth platform Coviu.

            “This compares to a continued increase in the use of self-paid telehealth consultations with online-only GP services,” Coviu CEO Silvia Pfeiffer said.

            “The recent introduction of GP telehealth services by Woolworths for a fixed $45 rate is a clear example demonstrating what consumers want, but what their own GPs may not be delivering.”

            “While hybrid care is deemed the future of healthcare, we seem to be going in a direction where we are facing a segmentation of the industry into technology-only service providers and technology-averse service providers.”

            For hybrid care to function successfully, new reimbursement models and new models of care are necessary, Dr Pfeiffer said.
            Currently, most practitioners favoured the in-person attendance of patients, and patients did not feel empowered to ask for telehealth consultations, she said.

            “In a situation of clinician shortage where brick-and-mortar clinics have sufficient in-person patient traffic, there is very little incentive for the adoption of telehealth.

            “This will unfortunately lead to a continued reluctance of the adoption of hybrid care [and] lead to patients turning their backs on their own local GPs, instead seeking telehealth services from online-only providers.

            “This cannot be a desirable future.”

            Coviu’s position is that today’s Medicare reimbursements for telehealth consultations, “certainly are not designed to encourage the use of telehealth”, requiring an in-person visit at least once a year before patients become eligible for telehealth consultations.

            “This creates extra administrative burden on the practice, even discouraging practice administrators from offering telehealth consultations to patients,” Dr Pfeiffer said.

            “Better training and better triage rules for healthcare professionals, practice managers, administration staff, and nurses would certainly help to empower the industry with better telehealth capabilities.

            “It would address the technical capabilities gap in healthcare, the reluctance to video telehealth adoption, and facilitate necessary changes in patient pathways.”

            MediRecords has partnered with Coviu to streamline booking of video consultations with practice clients. Once your Coviu account is connected to MediRecords, any consultation nominated as a telehealth appointment auto-generates a link to the Coviu virtual consultation and your client is sent an invitation via SMS or email.

            MediRecords and Coviu are both Australian developed cloud-hosted health technology companies.

            Read more about Coviu on their website

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              Head in the cloud: embracing cloud technology for virtual care

              Head in the cloud: embracing cloud technology for virtual care

              A case study on how MediRecords helped Doctors on Demand embrace cloud technology for virtual care. 

              At the international MedInfo conference in Sydney, MediRecords had the pleasure of leading a panel with key client Doctors on Demand. The focus of the session was managing the transition from legacy server-based software to MediRecords’ cloud-based technology.

              MediRecords Group Manager of Customer Success, Michael Alldrick, and Doctors on Demand Director of Governance and Programs Amanda Yeates, discussed the challenges of server-based software for virtual care businesses, the process of changing to the cloud, and benefits that have flowed from making the move. For those who could not attend, here are some highlights from their conversation.

              Doctors on Demand Overview

              Michael: Before we delve into the details, let’s start with an overview of Doctors on Demand and the services the company provides.

              Amanda: Doctors on Demand is a virtual healthcare service provider that connects patients to doctors through video conferencing. We prioritise technology, and our 100% remote workforce allows patients to access healthcare from anywhere. Initially, we faced challenges with our on-premise practice management software, which was retrofitted to meet our needs. However, as we grew, it became clear that a more seamless and scalable solution was required, leading us to explore cloud-based options like MediRecords.

              Michael: The limited options for cloud-based technology in 2015 necessitated careful consideration. Can you explain the challenges faced during the transition and the decisions that led to embracing a cloud-based solution?

              Amanda: Certainly. We established virtual servers to provide remote desktop access for our doctors, enabling them to access clinical information about patients. However, this setup created a complex workflow, where doctors had to toggle between their own desktops and the virtual server, leading to inefficiencies and scalability issues. We needed a seamless solution where doctors could access patient data anytime with an internet connection. After surveying the market, we chose MediRecords as the cloud-based system that aligned with our requirements.

              Data migration and maintaining continuity of care

              Michael: Moving from an existing system to a new one while maintaining patient continuity of care is critical. MediRecords placed a lot of emphasis on this and worked hard to ensure complete patient record and appointment history was migrated. How did you feel about this process and was it enough to ensure a smooth transition into a new system?

              Amanda: The data migration process was complex due to the extensive amount of data accumulated over the years. We worked closely with MediRecords’ data migration team, implementing a phased approach to ensure minimal disruption to our 24/7 service. We started with a few doctors, gradually migrating data in tranches. Our collaboration with MediRecords ensured that the data was accurately represented in the new system. Despite the size of our clinical workforce, we managed to complete the transition within a few weeks, thanks to MediRecords’ support and training resources.

              Cost savings and streamlined operations through cloud technology

              Michael: During your transition to MediRecords’ Doctors on Demand achieved substantial cost savings by eliminating the need for a dedicated IT team to manage your previous complex on-premise system. Can you elaborate on how this switch streamlined your operations and led to significant improvements in efficiency?

              Amanda: Certainly, Michael. The move to a cloud-based solution with MediRecords was a game-changer for us. As mentioned, we had previously set up virtual servers to provide remote desktop access for our doctors, which introduced complex workflows leading to inefficiencies and scalability issues. With MediRecords’ cloud technology, and the ability to access patient data anytime and anywhere, we eliminated the need for a dedicated IT team to manage our previous on-premise infrastructure. The cloud-based solution is more user-friendly and requires minimal maintenance. The API integration also played a crucial role in automating tasks, reducing administrative overhead, and saving on operational costs. Thanks to these cost savings, we could reallocate resources to enhance our virtual care services, expand our offerings, and pursue future growth opportunities, creating a more sustainable and efficient healthcare model for Doctors on Demand.

              Harnessing the power of cloud and APIs

              Michael: Embracing cloud technology can significantly impact workflows and patient care. How has the integration of MediRecords Connect API service supported your doctors and users, and how does it enhance your current workflow?

              Amanda: As a patient-driven service, it was crucial for us to have real-time access to clinical data during consultations. MediRecords facilitated this through API integration, enabling data to seamlessly flow into our practice management software. Doctors now have immediate access to essential patient information during consultations. Additionally, our administrative team can enter doctor schedules in MediRecords, which are promptly reflected on our website. The two-way communication facilitated by APIs streamlines our operations and enhances patient care. 

              Future growth and advancements

              Michael: Doctors on Demand has shown progress in corporate health, private insurance, and other areas. What are Doctors on Demands future plans, and how does the company envision growing its services?

              Amanda: Like many health tech companies, we have an ambitious pipeline of work for the coming months and years. In the next financial year, we plan to focus on mental health services, providing virtual primary care and mental health care plans. Additionally, we aim to strengthen our partnerships with corporate entities, leveraging the advantages offered by MediRecords’ 2.0 interface. This new interface will enhance patient communication capabilities, including email and demand management.

              Michael: Exciting times ahead! Lastly, based on Doctors on Demand’s experience and decision-making process, what advice would you give to organisations considering new technologies to future-proof their businesses?

              Amanda: Making the transition to new technologies can be challenging, but it’s crucial for scalability and growth. As an organisation, we were determined to embrace change. Education, support, and collaboration were key in successfully navigating this journey. MediRecords’ training resources, webinars, and live chat support played a significant role. Despite the initial resistance to change, we managed to onboard our large clinical workforce within weeks. So, I would encourage organisations to thoroughly assess their needs, seek support, and embrace new technologies for long-term success.


              The collaboration between Doctors on Demand and MediRecords highlights the positive impact of cloud technology on virtual healthcare services. By migrating from a legacy server-based solution to MediRecords’ cloud-based system, Doctors on Demand overcame challenges, improved workflows, reduced costs, streamlined operations and enhanced patient care. The seamless data migration, ongoing support, and future growth plans demonstrate the successful transformation enabled by embracing cloud technology for virtual care. 

              Read more about Doctors on Demand on their website.  

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                8 health-tech trends to watch in 2023

                8 health-tech trends to watch in 2023

                Tim Pegler

                Tim Pegler - MediRecords Senior Business Development Manager

                The pandemic years have been actioned-packed for health-tech. What have we learned and what can we expect from 2023?

                1. The cloud is (still) coming 

                Based on conversations with customers, the market is increasingly aware of the security and infrastructure benefits of shifting to cloud. So why is the transition so slow? Partly because the healthcare industry is often understaffed, time poor and therefore change averse. The good news is that those who embrace fresh and more flexible technology rarely look back.

                Speaking of shiny and new…

                2. Robots are here to help 

                Staff shortages due to illness, burnout and pandemic-related workforce changes necessitate doing more with less. We can expect automation to play a bigger role in repetitive tasks, and robots to play support and even investigative roles.

                Exhibit A: Robot dietitian RMC adds robot dietician (thetandd.com)

                Exhibit B: Robot meds Mayo Clinic picks up stake in startup making pill-sized robot (beckershospitalreview.com)

                Exhibit C: AI bed management NUHS’s AI platform predicts bed state 2 weeks in advance | Healthcare IT News

                Exhibit D: Robot cleaning crews Cameron employs robots to super clean facilities | Heraldrepublican | kpcnews.com

                The automation trend also means…

                3. Lock in telehealth

                Virtual and remote care are generally cheaper than hospital beds (How to implement a virtual ED in 10 weeks – Wild Health Summits : Connectivity) and more consumer friendly than queuing for in-person care (see The cost and carbon savings of telehealth, quantified (beckershospitalreview.com)). Virtual mental health care, in particular, appears to be cementing its role. However, digital literacy and equitable access to technology, including Internet coverage, can be barriers to care.  Successful virtual care hinges on having accurate information, tools and help whenever needed so…

                4. Maybe it’s time to make new friends

                Difficulty accessing developers and tight tech budgets mean partnering can be the faster (and cheaper) path to product enhancement, in contrast to D-I-Y builds. Which means…

                5. Interoperability is king

                Products designed for integration have a strategic advantage over those that have not committed to interoperability at their core. Speaking the same language helps and Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) (Welcome to the HL7 FHIR Foundation) are the way to future-proof your health tech. Another interoperability truth is…

                6. Clean data counts

                Making sense out of a hotchpotch of data dropped into a free-text box is time consuming and painful for data analysis. Storing information in a logical, consistent and correctly coded format (MediRecords uses SNOMED CT AU SNOMED CT-AU and Australian Medicines Terminology June 2022 Release | Australian Digital Health Agency) helps the data wranglers do their thing. Quality, clean, actionable data has value and needs to be kept safe because…

                7. Cyber attacks are on the rise

                US data shows ransomware attacks more than doubled from 2016 to 2021 (JAMA Health Forum – Health Policy, Health Care Reform, Health Affairs | JAMA Health Forum | JAMA Network). The UK and Australia are also under siege. Minimising risk is mandatory and, while no system is risk-free, cloud technology allows you to outsource security management and those never-ending software updates so you can concentrate on core business.  This is important because…

                8. Change is gonna come

                Australian governments are still exploring how to introduce systemic change following royal commissions into aged care and mental health services (Victoria). Royal commissions are ongoing into disability, and defence and veteran suicide. The Australian Digital Health Agency is promoting collaboration and reform. NSW is working on a Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR). Victoria is moving toward a health-information exchange system, connected to a statewide Mental Health Client Management System. Queensland is pursuing better health information connectivity and remote monitoring options. Tasmania has a digital transformation strategy underway. There are versions of virtual emergency departments emerging across Australia…

                Buckle up. 2023 could be a wild ride.

                About MediRecords

                MediRecords is a FHIR-enabled, true cloud clinical platform with ePrescribing and telehealth integrations. MediRecords supports GPmultidisciplinary and specialist clinics across Australia and is working with Queensland Health, the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department and the Australian Defence Force on innovative models of care delivery. Please book a demo if you’d like to discuss solutions for your business.

                Want to dive deeper? Further reading below:

                2023 predictions: Health tech suppliers give their verdict (digitalhealth.net)

                What health tech trends CIOs are focused on in 2023 (beckershospitalreview.com)

                Virtual everything, asynchronous care, sustainability: Healthcare innovation predictions for ’23 (beckershospitalreview.com)

                CMIOs on what to project for 2023 (beckershospitalreview.com)

                Digital Health Review of the Year 2022

                MR.R4.CORE\Home – FHIR v4.0.1 (medirecords.com)

                Report: Telehealth accounts for about 10% of outpatient visits | MobiHealthNews

                The King’s Fund interoperability report highlights relationships and tech (digitalhealth.net)

                Russian hacking group ‘KillNet’ targets US healthcare (beckershospitalreview.com)

                2023 forecast: 7 big-picture goals for hospital leaders (fiercehealthcare.com)

                Top 10 hospital and payer trends to watch in 2023 | Healthcare Finance News

                National Digital Health Strategy and Framework for Action | Australian Digital Health Agency

                Digital Health Transformation – Improving Patient Outcomes 2022-2032 | Tasmanian Department of Health

                DOH-Strategic-Plan-Nov-2022-update.pdf (health.qld.gov.au)


                Single digital patient record set to deliver vastly improved patient experience | eHealth NSW

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